CDs & IRAs

Looking for the best CD rates? Once your nest egg grows to $1,000 or more, it’s time to check out Cincinnatus Certificates of Deposit. You will earn a competitive, longer-term rate, based on the maturity you choose. It’s a smart way to maximize your earnings while maximizing your safety.

Personal Cd's IRA's

Certificate of Deposit

More Long Term Earnings

  • Minimum to open: $500
  • Safe: FDIC Insurance $250,000 per Individual
  • Maturity: Maturities range from 91 Days to 60 Months


Tax Deferred Feature Plus Value

So, when planning for retirement is your goal, you can choose from a variety of Cincinnatus IRA and Roth IRA plans to reach your goals. You will be able to choose the plan that maximizes your retirement goals based on the term that is right for you.

Large Deposits

Have over $250,000.00 to invest; using the CDARS program you can put your money in one or several CD’s at one of our convenient branch locations and have the balance fully insured by the FDIC. This program works for deposits up to amounts up to 20 million dollars. For more information click here.

To open a Certificate of Deposit account stop in one of our convenient locations. If you have any questions call us at (513) 661-6903, toll free at (877) 661-6903 or email us at [email protected]. Cincinnatus is currently accepting deposits from the following areas.

Ohio Counties of: Hamilton, Butler, Warren, and Clermont.

Indiana Counties of: Dearborn, Franklin, Ripley, and Switzerland.

Kentucky Counties of: Boone, Kenton, and Campbell.