Contact a Loan Officer

  • Please make sure all of the fields are filled in before sending. Please be aware email is not a secure method of communication. Do not use email to send confidential sensitive information such as passwords, account numbers, or social security numbers. If you need to provide this type of information, contact us by phone, fax or regular mail.
Nancy Rueve

Nancy Rueve

Loan Officer
NMLS# 487805
[email protected]
(513) 504-3300

Mike Wilson

Michael R. Wilson

Loan Officer – Harrison Office
NMLS# 487809
[email protected]
(513) 367-5555

Doug Koepfle

Douglas Koepfle

Vice President of Commercial Lending
NLMS #908463
[email protected]
(513) 919-7890

Sandy Walter

Sandra Walter

Branch Manager / Business Development Officer – Northgate Office
NLMS #515275
[email protected]
(513) 385-7424